Editorial in the Financial Times: ”Europe can walk as well as talk”

In an editorial in the Financial Times published in this Saturday’s paper (February 9) the last week’s positive development in the EU is highlighted. The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which Nils Torvalds has been heavily involved in, is especially mentioned. Quote from the editorial: ”the European parliament did its part to demonstrate that […]

Ledare i Financial Times: ”Europe can walk as well as talk”

I en ledare i Financial Times publicerad i lördagens (9.2) tidning lyfts den senaste veckans positiva utveckling i EU fram. Särskilt nämns den fiskerireform som Nils Torvalds varit starkt engagerad i. Så här skriver Financial Times (fritt översatt från engelska): ”Europaparlamentet gjorde sin del i att visa att EU-institutionerna kan göra saker rätt. Europaparlamentariker röstade […]